natural skin care tips - homemade toxic-free face paint

Toxic-Free Face Paint

Did you know that face paints have dangerous heavy metals and toxic substances, including lead, nickel, cobalt and/or chromium at levels far exceeding recommendations of industry studies? The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics study revealed this stunning revelation back in 2009, and unfortunately not much has changed since then.

So what is a parent to do if their child wants their face painted? There are some safe pre-made options out there, but making your own face paint is also quite easy. This recipe is adapted from Mommypotamus, and is even edible!



  • 1 1/2 teaspoons cornstarch (preferably non-GMO) or arrowroot powder, plus extra for dusting the face afterwards to create a matte finish
  • 1/4 teaspoon refined white flour OR for a gluten-free option 1/2 teaspoon kaolin white clay
  • 2 teaspoons honey
  • 1/2 teaspoon water
  • 2 tbsp fruit, vegetable or spice powder of your choice for colour. Here are some suggestions:
    • Red: Beet root powder
    • Orange: Paprika powder
    • Yellow: Turmeric powder
    • Green: Spinach powder
    • Brown: Cocoa powder
  • Activated charcoal for black paint
  • White base makeup – see notes on how to make this



  1. Combine kaolin clay/flour and cornstarch/arrowroot together in a small bowl
  2. Add honey and water
  3. Divide mixture into several containers and add a couple of teaspoons of natural food colourant to each cup until you get the color intensity you want.  
  4. Paint on your design using a generous amount of paint. It sets better if painted on thickly.
  5. Optional: Let it set for about 20-30 minutes, then take a makeup brush and dust a little cornstarch/arrowroot powder over your face to create a matte finish.


Some Useful Notes:

  • These paints are more like a thick gloss than watercolors.
  • These paints should be used up relatively quickly as they will dry up.  Keep that in mind when you are making up your batches of paint.
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